Information for Link Lab Members

Conference Rooms

Conference Rooms are for Link Lab affiliated faculty and student use only. To reserve a room, please review the room availability below and then use THIS LINK  (or email [email protected]) to request the room and provide the following information. An email will be sent to you when confirmed.

Number of Participants:
Date and Time (starting and ending):
If repeating, what frequency:
Are you a member of Link Lab:

Capacity: 6
AV: 1 Screen


Link Lab Awards

The Link Lab has a number of awards to honor students in the Link Lab for their CPS research, service and leadership.

Distinguished Research Award

The Distinguished Research Award honors a Ph.D. student who showcases the highest quality research in cyber-physical systems happening in the Link Lab. This award is given twice per year to Ph.D. candidates who have defended their dissertation proposal and have conducted significant research toward their Ph.D. dissertation. This award is sponsored by Leidos.

  • Link Lab Ph.D. candidate who has not previously received the Distinguished Research Award
  • Post-proposal
  • Within two years of graduation
  • Emphasis on quality of their research and execution/findings/product 
  • Emphasis on effort of work within Link Lab and with outside partners/stakeholders
  • Consideration for impact of research or potential for impact
  • Consideration for those who have received awards, accepted publications, presentations.
  • Consideration for graduating students.


  • Link Lab faculty may nominate up to two students.
  • If there are more than five nominees, then the Link Lab Leadership Committee will do an initial review and selection based on criteria.
  • Nominees are notified and submit their CV/resume and a one-page summary of their research.
  • Nomination packets (faculty nomination, student summary, student CV/resume) are consolidated and provided to Link Lab faculty to vote.
  • Link Lab Faculty cast vote for up to two nominees.
  • Aggregate vote determines awardee.

  • One student is selected per semester.
  • Student presents their research at a dedicated lecture presentation in the Link Lab.
  • Certificate
  • $500
  • Promotion on Link Lab website and social media
  • Recognized at Link Lab Research Day

Early-Stage Research Award

The Early-Stage Research Award honors Link Lab graduate students who have demonstrated excellence in research and scholarship during the early and mid-stages of their graduate studies. The Early-Stage Research Award is awarded once per year in the spring.

  • Link Lab Ph.D. students who have not previously received the Early-Stage Research Award (previously named the Link Lab Outstanding Graduate Research Award)
  • Within first three years of graduate program
  • Emphasis on quality of research
  • Emphasis on an outstanding year in research
  • Emphasis on effort of work within Link Lab and with outside partners/stakeholders
  • Consideration for impact of research or potential for impact
  • Consideration for those who have received awards, accepted publications, presentations.


  • Link Lab faculty may nominate up to two students.
  • Nominees are notified and submit their CV/resume.
  • Nomination packets (faculty nomination, student CV/resume) are consolidated and provided to Link Lab faculty for a vote.
  • Link Lab Faculty cast vote for up to two nominees.
  • Aggregate vote determines awardee.


  • Two students selected in the spring semester.
  • Certificate
  • $250
  • Promotion on Link Lab website and social media.


Outstanding Service and Leadership

The Outstanding Service and Leadership Award recognizes Link Lab graduate students who have gone above and beyond to lead in building a positive culture within the Link Lab by supporting others and fostering diversity, equity and inclusion within the Link Lab community. The Outstanding Service and Leadership Award is awarded once per year in the spring. 

  • Link Lab graduate student.
  • who has not previously received the Link Lab Outstanding Service and Leadership Award (previously named the Link Lab Outstanding Graduate Service Award)
  • Quality of the nominee’s service
  • Quantity of the nominee’s service
  • Impact of the nominee’s service


  • Faculty and/or students nominate up to two students with a one-page written endorsement.
  • Nominees are informed of nomination.
  • Nominations consolidated and provided to Link Lab Student Committee
  • Link Lab Student Committee casts vote for up to two students.
  • Aggregate vote determines awardee.


  • Two students selected in the spring semester
  • Certificate
  • $250
  • Promotion on Link Lab website and social media

Resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff

There are resources in the Link Lab, UVA Engineering, and across UVA if you need help and support. Please reach out when you need assistance and know that the UVA community is committed to helping you succeed.