Madhur Belh and CART members with car at Rotunda

Multidisciplinary Cyber-Physical Systems Research at the University of Virginia

Opened in January 2018, the Link Lab at UVA Engineering is a world-class center of excellence in cyber-physical systems. The Lab consists of more than 325 faculty, graduate and undergraduate students from multiple departments and conducts pioneering work in Robotics & Autonomous Vehicles, Smart and Connected Health, Hardware for IoT, and Smart Cities. Prioritizing impact on real-world problems, Link Lab partners with industry to tackle the most critical questions at the intersection of the cyber and physical worlds.


  • University of Virginia School of Engineering Link Lab 2024 Research Day Logo

    UVA Link Lab 2024 Research Day

    Link Lab 2024 Research Day

    The Link Lab Research Day 2024 will assemble UVA academic researchers, industry leaders, and government stakeholders who will present and spearhead discussions of leading-edge research in CPS and IoT.

    Research Day provides an opportunity to meet and network with CPS leaders in industry and academia, and also grants access to our Link Lab graduate students during our private Industry-Graduate Reception the evening before where they showcase demos throughout the Link Lab. Providing the opportunity to preview their research and a chance to interact with the minds of tomorrow, today. 

Leading the Way in Cyber-Physical Systems

UVA: Leading the Way in Cyber-Physical Systems

The University of Virginia School of Engineering & Applied Science's Link Lab is catalyzing a new cyber age.