
The Systems and Information Engineering faculty shown below include professors, associate professors, and assistant professors with primary and joint appointments. To view additional faculty (courtesy, emeritus and visiting), select the "Find Faculty by Appointment" tab to filter results.

34 Results found for: Position

  • Qing (Cindy) Chang headshot
    Qing Chang’s current research interests include math-based and data-enabled modeling and analysis of dynamic manufacturing systems, improving manufacturing efficiency and sustainability through adaptive control and machine learning-based methods, and driving innovation in human-robot…
  • James Cheng

    Executive Lecturer
    James-Cheng Headshot

    Jim Cheng has over 25 years experience as a technology entrepreneur, angel/private capital investor, business leader and a senior state government executive. As such, he has invested in over 40 startups of various industries, some of which have had successful exits! Previously, Jim served as the Secretary of Commerce and Trade for Virginia.

  • Seokhyun Chung

    Assistant Professor
    Seokhyun Chung
    My research focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled systems, where multiple entities/units (e.g., vehicles, wearable devices, etc.) collect data and collaborate to establish enhanced smart analytics based on their connectivity. I enjoy exploring data-driven methods such as…
  • Afsaneh Doryab

    Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering Assistant Professor, Computer Science
    Headshot of Afsaneh Doryab

    Afsaneh Doryab's research is at the intersection of ubiquitous computing, AI, HCI, and health. She works on computational modeling of human behavior (incl. Activity Recognition) from data streams collected via mobile, wearable, and embedded sensors. 

  • Lu Feng

    Associate Professor, Computer Science, Systems & Information Engineering
    Lu Feng is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. She is also a member of the Link Lab - the center of research excellence in Cyber-Physical Systems. Her research focuses on assuring the safety and trustworthiness of cyber-physical systems, with…
  • Doug Garland

    Professor of Practice, Systems and Information Engineering; Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Business Faculty Lead, Entrepreneurship Program and Engineering Business Minor
    Headshot of Professor Doug Garland

    Doug Garland is a technology executive and entrepreneur, a veteran of the waves of innovation in Silicon Valley and a pioneer in mobile. He is a Professor of Practice in Systems and Information Engineering focused on entrepreneurship, innovation and business and the faculty lead of the Entrepreneurship Program and Engineering Business Minor.

  • Gregory Gerling headshot photo

    Gregory J. Gerling is a Professor of Systems Engineering at the University of Virginia, and principal investigator on grants from the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, DARPA. His groups research the fields of haptics, computational neuroscience, human factors and ergonomics, biomechanics, and human–machine interaction.

  • Barry Martin Horowitz

    Munster Professor
    Headshot of Barry Martin Horowitz

    Dr. Horowitz joined the University of Virginia’s faculty as a Professor in the Systems Engineering degree program in September 2001, after an industrial career involving the application of systems engineering to many large and complex systems. He assumed the role of Department Chair in 2009. 

  • Tariq Iqbal

    Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering, Computer Science
    Tariq Iqbal
    My research focuses on building robotic systems that can fluently coordinate and collaborate with people in complex human environments - for example, in a factory setting in close proximity with people. In order to successfully act within a group, a robot must be able to perceive and…
  • klotz
    Leidy Klotz is filling in underexplored overlaps between engineering and behavioral science, in pursuit of more sustainable systems. He has published over 80 peer-reviewed articles in venues that include top academic journals in built environment engineering, engineering education…