Mechanical Engineering 310
Google Scholar ResearchGate Intelligent Systems Lab


Qing Chang’s current research interests include math-based and data-enabled modeling and analysis of dynamic manufacturing systems, improving manufacturing efficiency and sustainability through adaptive control and machine learning-based methods, and driving innovation in human-robot collaborations within the manufacturing domain. 

Before joining the University of Virginia in 2019, she was an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Stony Brook University. Prior to her academic career, Chang accumulated a decade of experience at General Motors Global Research & Development Center, where she received the highest corporate award for innovation, the Boss Kettering Awards, three times in recognition of her research on improving production efficiency and quality. 

She is an elected fellow of ASME and SME (the Society of Manufacturing Engineers). She has been elected to the board of directors of NAMRI/SME (the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of SME) and has assumed leadership and editorial positions for numerous societies, journals, and conferences affiliated with ASME, IEEE, SME, and others. She received an NSF CAREER Award and has been recognized as one of the “20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing” by SME.



M.S. University of Wisconsin - Madison

Ph.D. in Manufacturing, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

Research Interests

Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Manufacturing
Real-time Production Control
Knowledge-guided Machine Learning based Control
Human-Robot Collaboration in Industrial Settings
Intelligent Maintenance and Energy Management


20 most influential professors in smart manufacturing (2020)
NSF CAREER Award (2014)
General Motors Boss Kettering Awards (2005, 2006, 2008)
GM R&D Charles L. McCuen Special Achievement Awards (2005, 2006, 2008)