
If you want to create something, do it here.

IFAB is an integrated, cost-share facility open to UVA and welcoming outside users, supporting a broad array of research activities in microsystems, to include terahertz, infrared and photonics detectors and circuits, microfluidics, solar cells and multifunctional materials and devices, and biomanufacturing, nanobiology and soft materials, to include CAD-bio, biofabrication, nanomedicine, gene transfer and tissue engineering. 

The University of Virginia Innovations in Fabrication facility is located in the School of Engineering and Applied Science and leverages cross-Grounds collaborations among UVA Engineering, the School of Engineering and College of Arts and Sciences. IFAB hosts multifunctional microfabrication and scalable biomanufacturing research and development. The University and School of Engineering has invested more than $30 million in infrastructure and new state-of-the-art equipment, presenting a unique, 17,500 ft2 interdisciplinary facility for transformational collaborations and research within and beyond UVA.

IFAB is an original member of VAST.