Biomanufacturing & Instrumentation

Manufacturing strategies based on biological components, such as microorganisms, plant and animal cells, biomaterials, and biomolecules, present the promise for scalable, consistent, and cost-effective manufacturing of engineered cells, tissues, and organs that can revolutionize healthcare. Essential to the development of these technologies is the creation of 3D patterned biomanufactured constructs and their assessment based on in-line, at-line or off-line biosensing and/or imaging approaches. IFAB address these needs through its collaborative 2,285 sft cross-grounds space so that synergistic impacts can be made in biomanufacturing using our enabling biofabrication tools, such as 3D bioprinting, electrospinning and micro/nanofabricated templating, and tools for biomaterials synthesis, analysis and assembly with cells and peptides to create functional tissues for Musculo-skeletal cell and tissue engineering. IFAB is therefore a unique space that encourages and enables the tackling of new, more sophisticated and integrated projects that typically can not be addressed through individual PI laboratories.

CellInk BioX 3D pneumatic Printer

  • Automation of #D cell cultures
  • Develop complex tissue constructs
  • testing new drug compounds

Instrument #2 

•EVOS Live Cell Imaging Microscope

•MuviCyte™ Live-Cell imaging in Incubator (left Cell Culture Room, eventual placement in Middle)

•Leica Thunder Confocal Imaging  - MR5 2228


•DSA25 Drop Shape Analyzer

Left Cell & Sample Preparation

•Normoxia Bio Hood

•Normoxia Incubator 

•MuviCyte™ Live-Cell imaging  (Incubator). Eventual Middle Cell Room Placement

Middle Cell & Sample Preparation

•Middle Cell Culture

•Hypoxia Bio Hood

•Hypoxia IncubatorRight Cell Culture and Sample Preparation

iImage removed.Right Cell Culture 

•Normoxia Bio Hood

•Normoxia Incubator  

•CellInk BioX  3D Printer