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Research & Exploration

The High-Performance Low-Power (HPLP) Laboratory, led by Professor Mircea Stan, is dedicated to research in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI) hardware and edge IoT. Ongoing research spans a wide range of topics, from Processing-in-Memory (PiM), low-power hardware accelerator design, and Smart Dust, to explorations in spintronics and nanoelectronics.

Our Faculty

Mircea R. Stan

Director of Computer Engineering Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) Professor

Mircea R. Stan is teaching and doing research in the areas of AI hardware, Processing in Memory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Computational RFID, Low Power, Spintronics, and Nanoelectronics.

Available Positions

The HPLP lab is currently looking for innovative, hard working  and intelligent professionals  who are interested in Processing in Memory, FPGA applications, AI and Deep Nueral Networks and ultra low power circuit design. Prospective students and researchers can contact the lab at [email protected] for more information about joining our group.