Giri group photo

Crystal Engineering Lab

The Giri Research Group, led by Gaurav Giri, is focused on studying the fundamental processes (thermodynamic, kinetic, mechanical and optical) that lead to different organic molecule and metal organic framework morphologies, and utilizing this knowledge to create innovative methods of controlling microstructure and phase for pharmaceutical and energy applications. Microfluidics and X-ray diffraction analysis methods feature strongly in our program to study organic molecule packing and morphology.

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    The Giri Group is a wonderful place to work! We focus on working hard, having fun, and promoting a safe and happy work environment. Check out more about our lab.

  • Contact Us

    Department of Chemical Engineering
    102 Engineers' Way
    Room 122

    Charlottesville, VA 22904
    Prof. Giri Phone: 434.924.1351
    Prof. Giri Email: [email protected]