CHRLstudent working in lab

CHRL is enabling energy-efficient computation

The Computing Hardware Research Lab (CHRL) is led by Prof. Nikhil Shukla. The lab is dedicated to research in the areas of microelectronic devices and circuits and the development of new computing approaches to enable energy-efficient computation.

More About Us

  • Available Positions

    We currently have a position available for a Ph.D. student. The group is also looking to hire a Post Doctoral scholar with expertise in nanofabrication. Please contact the lab at [email protected]

    (Updated 03/01/2024)

Comments? Questions?

Nikhil Shukla

Assistant Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Nikhil Shukla is an Assistant Professor at University of Virginia with a joint appointment in the ECE and the Materials Science and Engineering department.