Graduate Program

The Center for Applied Biomechanics welcomes applications from outstanding students interested in pursuing advanced degrees in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering with a research focus in automobile safety or applied biomechanics.  In some cases, students interested in graduate programs in Biomedical Engineering, Applied Mechanics, or other technical fields may also be considered.  Information and application materials can be found at the MECHANICAL AND AEROSPACE ENGINEERING WEB SITE.

The Center for Applied Biomechanics typically has 10 to 20 students pursuing graduate degrees.  Active interactions and collaborations among graduate students are encouraged, and a significant record of scholarly achievement, including journal publications, is expected of all students.  The scholastic excellence of our students has been recognized by numerous national and international awards, including the Best Young Researcher Award from the International Research Council on the Biomechanics of Impact (IRCOBI), STAPP STUDENT PAPER AWARDS, the ESV STUDENT SAFETY DESIGN COMPETITION AWARDSAE DOCTORAL SCHOLAR AWARDSAAAM STUDENT RESEARCH GRANTS, and ISB STUDENT DISSERTATION GRANTS. Students graduating from the Center become leaders in the fields of injury biomechanics and automobile safety, and our alumni continue to thrive in influential positions within academia, industry, and government.

Graduate students at the Center for Applied Biomechanics are typically funded under graduate research assistantships and work on projects sponsored by government or industrial groups.  Teaching assistantships and, in exceptional cases, university fellowships may occasionally be available.  Students with external funding to support their graduate studies (for example, through the NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM, the NASA GRADUATE STUDENT RESEARCHERS PROGRAM, or employer education programs) are strongly encouraged to apply.  Our graduate students receive full tuition coverage, health insurance, and a competitive stipend.

Interested students are encouraged to contact CAB directly to discuss current research opportunities: [email protected]