By  Andrew Li

Vinu Ilakkuvan, a PIP 2007 alumnus, hosted a TEDx talk on our misguided approach to health in the United States and how to solve it. In her presentation, Vinu describes how a bigger-picture perspective on what drives health outcomes can increase equity while promoting a kinder and more effective health industry.

Vinu is a double biomedical engineering and economics major who graduated from UVA in 2009. Since then, she has also received her Master of Science in Society, Human Development, and Health from Harvard University's School of Public Health, as well as a Doctorate of Public Health from George Washington University. Vinu is the founder of PoP Health and a lecturer at George Washington University's Milken Institute School of Public Health.

Vinu Ilakkuvan speaking during a Ted Talk

Square Peg, Round Hole

Fixing Our Approach to Health