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NSF REU in Multi-scale Systems Bioengineering BME Design Google Scholar


Timothy E. Allen teaches and mentors students in the areas of computational modeling of complex biological systems, molecular and cell biology assays, and medical device design. He is a Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia. He received a B.S.E. in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Bioengineering at the University of California, San Diego.

Dr. Allen's teaching activities include coordinating the undergraduate teaching labs and the Capstone Design sequence in the BME department at the University of Virginia, and his research interests are in the fields of computational biology and bioinformatics. He is also interested in evaluating the pedagogical approaches optimal for teaching lab concepts and skills, computational modeling approaches, and professionalism within design classes. He is active within the Biomedical Engineering Division of the American Society for Engineering Education and previously served on the executive committee of this division (Program Chair 2011, Division Chair 2012, & Nominating Committee Chair 2013). Dr. Allen is a fellow in the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows, and he has received twelve teaching awards and honors at UVA, including the All-University Teaching Award and the Thomas E. Hutchinson Faculty Award for Dedication and Excellence in Teaching. Since 2016, he has been the PI on an NSF REU site in multi-scale systems bioengineering and biomedical data sciences, a pan-university collaboration involving faculty from four schools at UVA, as well as six partner institutions in the mid-Atlantic and Southeast.


B.S.E. ​Duke University, 1999

M.S. University of California, San Diego, 2001

M.S. University of California, San Diego, 2001

Research Interests

Human Factors
Biomedical Data Sciences
Computational Systems Biology
Quantitative Biosciences

Selected Publications

BME Labs in the Era of COVID-19: Transitioning a Hands-on Integrative Lab Experience to Remote Instruction Using Gamified Lab Simulations. 2020. Biomedical Engineering Education ALLEN, T.E. AND BARKER, S.D.
Retrospective Multi-year Analysis of Team Composition Dynamics and Performance within a Yearlong Integrative BME Laboratory Sequence. 2019. Proceedings for the 2019 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition ALLEN, T.E.
Patient Centered Design in Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering. 2018. Proceedings for the 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition ALLEN, T.E. AND CHEN, D.
Development and assessment of a novel systems bioengineering course integrating modeling and experimentation. 2009. Proc. for the 2009 ASEE Ann. Conference & Expo. ALLEN, T.E., SAUCERMAN, J.J., PAPIN, J.A., AND PEIRCE, S.M.
Career development and professionalism within a biomedical engineering capstone course. 2008. Proceedings for the 2008 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. ALLEN, T.E. AND PEIRCE, S.M.

Courses Taught

BME 3030: Design & Innovation in Medicine (co-instructor)
BME 3080/3090: BME IDEAS Lab I & II
BME 4315/6315: Systems Bioengineering Modeling and Experimentation (co-instructor)
BME 4063/4064: BME Capstone Design I & II
BME 6101: Engineering Physiology I (co-instructor)


Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) 2024
BME Professor of the Year 2024
BME Professor of the Year 2023
All-University Teaching Award 2017
Faculty Banner Carrier for SEAS Class of 2017 at Final Exercises 2017
The Society of P.R.I. Recognition for Commitment to Students 2016
Jefferson Scholars Foundation Faculty Fellow 2014-PRESENT
Hartfield-Jefferson Teaching Prize 2014
Most Dedicated BME Professor Award 2011
Award for Excellence in Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Education 2008, 2010, & 2011
Seven Society 20th Annual Monticello Dinner Series 2010
Thomas E. Hutchinson Faculty Award for Dedication and Excellence in Teaching 2009

Featured Grants & Projects

NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates Site: Multi-Scale Systems Bioengineering and Biomedical Data Sciences (Role: PI). Advances in the biomedical sciences and medicine will increasingly depend upon the application of rigorous and quantitative engineering-based approaches to characterize and interrogate biological systems. This REU Site in Multi-Scale Systems Bioengineering and Biomedical Data Sciences at the University of Virginia will train ten undergraduate participants per summer in state-of-the-art systems bioengineering and data science research. While open to a broad national pool of top students in STEM, the REU Site will specifically target talented UGs majoring in STEM fields at institutions with limited research opportunities in the field of systems bioengineering and biomedical data science, with an emphasis on recruiting students from underrepresented groups. The research experience and mentorship these REU students will prepare them for work in this fast-growing and pioneering field that would otherwise be unavailable to them at their home institutions. Faculty mentors will maintain continuing relationships with the participants after completing the program, helping to improve the likelihood that the students will remain in STEM.