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Matthew B. Dwyer is the Robert Thomson Distinguished Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia.  His research interests focus on methods for reasoning about the behavior of software.  His prior work has improved and applied a wide-range of formal reasoning frameworks, such as model checking, symbolic execution, and abstract interpretation, to programs.  His current efforts are exploring methods to assure the dependability of autonomous systems built from diverse component sources (e.g., software built by humans, trained by machine-learning approaches, or synthesized from high-level models).


Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst

M.S., University of Massachusetts at Boston

BSEE, University of Rochester

Research Interests

Software Verification and Validation, Software Engineering, Program Analysis


SIGSOFT ISSTA Test of Time Award 2022
IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills Award 2022
SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award 2021
ACM Fellow 2019
SIGSOFT Distinguished Service Award 2019
University of Massachusetts at Amherst CICS Outstanding Alumni Achievement in Research Award 2019
LERO David Lorge Parnas Fellow 2018
SIGSOFT ESEC/FSE Test of Time Award 2018
IEEE Fellow 2013
Fulbright Research Scholar 2011
SIGSOFT Impact Paper Award 2010
ACM Distinguished Scientist 2007
NSF CAREER Award 1997