Rice Hall Room 501
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85 Engineer's Way
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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Hyojoon Kim serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Virginia. His research interests lie in computer networks and distributed networked systems, with a specific focus on in-network computing, programmable networks, software-defined networking, network measurement, and network security. Dr. Kim earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin - Madison. Before coming to UVA, he worked as an Associate Research Scholar at Princeton University.


Ph.D. Georgia Institute of Technology, 2015

B.S. University of Wisconsin - Madison, 2005

Research Interests

Computer Networks
Programmable Networks
Software-Defined Networking
Network Measurement
Network Security

Selected Publications

RAVEN: Stateless Rapid IP Address Variation for Enterprise. The 23rd Privacy Enhancing Technologies Symposium 2023. L. Wang, H. Kim, P. Mittal, J. Rexford.
Continuous In-network Round-trip Time Monitoring. ACM SIGCOMM 2022. S. Sengupta, H. Kim, J. Rexford.
Enabling Passive Measurement of Zoom Performance in Production Networks. ACM Internet Measurement Conference (IMC) 2022. O. Michel, S. Sengupta, H. Kim, R. Netravali, J. Rexford.
Experience-Driven Research on Programmable Networks. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review (CCR) 2021. H. Kim, X. Chen, J. Brassil, J. Rexford.
Kinetic: Verifiable Dynamic Network Control. USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI) 2015. H. Kim, J. Reich, A. Gupta, M. Shahbaz, N. Feamster, R. Clark.
Improving Network Management with Software Defined Networking. IEEE Communications Magazine Volume 51 Issue 2, 2013. H. Kim, N. Feamster.