
Selected Publications

Dori-Mic and the Universal Machine! A Tragicomic Tale of Combinatorics and Computability for Curious Children of All Ages (With Illustrations by Kim Dylla), 2014. David Evans
Introduction to Computing: Explorations in Language, Logic, and Machines. Introductory computer science coursebook, 2007-2012. David Evans

Courses Taught

For links to all my courses see


ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security PC Co-Chair 2017
Distinguished Research Award 2014
IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy Award for Outstanding Community Service 2010
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia Outstanding Faculty Award 2009
Defense Science Study Group Fellow 2008–9
All-University Teaching Award 2008
Harold Morton Jr. Award for Teaching 2004
ACM Jefferson Undergraduate Teaching Award 2002
University Teaching Fellow 2001
National Science Foundation CAREER Award 2001