Thornton Hall A124A
PO Box 400747
Charlottesville, VA 22904
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Brian L. Smith, PE is a leader in advanced technology in surface transportation systems. His research has contributed to innovations such as mobile phone navigation systems and urban freeway management that has led to revolutionary improvements in travel experience. His primary research interests are in transportation systems engineering, focusing on sustainability, connected and automated vehicle systems, and advanced transportation management. Dr. Smith has published transportation-related research in the areas of cooperative systems, probe-based traffic monitoring, statistical modeling, traffic flow theory, data mining, geographic information systems (GIS), and artificial intelligence. He regularly provides advice and guidance to transportation leaders at the state and national levels, as well as in industry. Dr. Smith has taught courses on transportation engineering, civil engineering design, systems engineering, geographic information systems, and construction engineering.

Dr. Smith was elected as a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in 2009, and is also a recipient of the 2006 ASCE Huber Research Award, 2004 Council of University Transportation Center’s New Faculty Award, an National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award, an Eno Transportation Leadership Fellow, a 2001-2002 University of Virginia Teaching Fellow, and a selected participant in the 2000 NAE Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering. He is an associate editor of the ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering. He is also the author of a chapter on Transportation Management in the text "Intelligent Transportation Primer."

Prior to joining the University of Virginia faculty in 1998, Dr. Smith was a Senior Research Scientist at the Virginia Transportation Research Council (now known as the Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research), where he helped establish the Virginia Department of Transportation’s (VDOT’s) ITS program, and led VDOT’s ITS research program.


B.S. ​Virginia Tech, 1989

M.S. ​University of Virginia, 1991

Ph.D. ​University of Virginia, 1995

"I am proud that my work contributes directly to improving quality of life. My research in transportation makes travel safer and more efficient."

Brian L. Smith, PE, Professor

Research Interests

Connected and Automated Vehicles
Smart Buildings/Cities
Infrastructure Engineering/Transportation Studies

Selected Publications

Demonstration of virtual reality simulation as a tool for understanding and evaluating pedestrian safety and perception at midblock crossings Angulo, a.v., Robartes, E., Guo, X., Chen, T. D., Heydarian, A., Smith, B.L.
Active Lane Management and Control Using Connected and Automated Vehicles in a Mixed Traffic Environment Khattak, Z. H., Smith, b.l., Fontaine, m.d., Ma, J., Khattak, A.J.
Impact of Cyberattacks on Safety and Stability of Connected and Automated Vehicle Platoons Under Lane Changes Khattak, Z. H., Smith, B.L., and Fontaine, M.D
Exploratory Investigation of Disengagements and Crashes in Autonomous Vehicles Under Mixed Traffic: An Endogenous Switching Regime Framework Khattak, Z. H., Fontaine, M.D., and Smith, B.L.

Courses Taught

CE 2010 Civil Engineering Techniques
CE 6440 Advanced Transportation Systems
CE 5000 Large-Scale Construction Project Management


Fellow American Society of Civil Engineers