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Angela Orebaugh is saving the world bit-by-bit. Her teaching and research is focused on keeping us safe and secure in the cyber world.  She is an Assistant Professor in the Engineering School's Computer Science Department.  She is also lead faculty member for cybersecurity, information technology, and sustainability for UVA's School of Continuing and Professional Studies.  Prior to joining academia as a professor, Angela worked in industry for over 20 years providing cybersecurity expertise to clients such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Department of Defense (DoD), intelligence agencies, small businesses, and start-ups.  Her mission in academia is to leverage her industry expertise to add value and create exceptional learning experiences for students.  

Angela completed her Ph.D. at George Mason University’s Volgenau School of Engineering with published papers in the areas of behavioral biometrics, data mining, authorship analysis, and cyber forensics.  She completed her Master of Science in Computer Science at James Madison University and also completed a Master of Liberal Arts in Sustainability at Harvard University with a capstone focus in creating technology-focused sustainability curriculum.  In addition to teaching at the University of Virginia, she has taught cybersecurity at George Mason University and Penn State.  Angela is an author of six technology books, over thirty published articles, and co-author of seven NIST publications.  Her professional service includes the International Journal of Internet of Things and Cyber-Assurance Editorial Board, UVA Public Interest Technology University Network (PIT-UN) Steering Committee, UVA Women in Cybersecurity (WiCyS) faculty advisor, Virginia Cyber Range Executive Committee member, Resilient Virginia Board Member, Charlottesville Center for Civic Innovation Advisory Board Member, and SmartCville Board Member.


Ph.D., Information Technology, Cyber Security Concentration, George Mason University

M.S., Computer Science, James Madison University

B.B.A., Computer Information Systems, James Madison University

I want to inspire future cybersecurity workforce engineers and leaders through my teaching and industry experience - empowering them to break barriers and become role models.

Angela Orebaugh

Research Interests

Social Engineering
Human Factors in Cybersecurity
Computer Science Education
Smart Cities

Selected Publications

"Environmental Justice and Smart Cities", Environmental Justice and Resilience in an Age of Uncertainty, Routledge, 2022 Greene, C. (Editor), Et Al.
A Study of Security and Privacy Issues Associated with the Amazon Echo. International Journal of the Internet of Things and Cyber‐Assurance. 2017. Jackson, C., Orebaugh, A.
Cyber Profiling: Using Instant Messaging Author Writeprints for Cybercrime Investigations, Journal of Cyber Security & Information Systems, Volume 2, Number 2, 2014, p.13-18. Orebaugh, A., Allnutt, J., Kinser, J.
Visualizing Instant Messaging Author Writprints for Forensic Analysis, Conference on Digital Forensics, Security, and Law (CDFSL). 2014. Orebaugh, A., Allnutt, J., Kinser, J.
Information security continuous monitoring (ISCM) for federal information systems and organizations. National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication: 800-137. 2011. K.l. Dempsey, L.A. Johnson, M.A. Scholl, K.M Stine, A.C. Jones, A. Orebaugh, N.S. Chawla, R. Johnston
Data Mining Instant Messaging Communications to Perform Author Identification for Cybercrime Investigations, Institute for Computer Science, Social Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering. Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime. Vol 31, 2010, p. 99-110 Orebaugh, A.
Classification of Instant Messaging Communications for Forensics Analysis, International Journal of Forensic Computer Science (IJoFCS), IJoFCS 2009, 1, 22-28. Orebaugh, A., Allnutt, J.

Courses Taught

CS 3710 Introduction to Cybersecurity
CS 4457 Computer Networks
CS 4501 Cybersecurity and Elections


UVA Continuing and Professional Studies Adelle F. Robertson Award for Excellence in Teaching 2020
Women Know Cyber, 100 Fascinating Females Fighting Cybercrime 2019
Information Security Magazine Security 7 Winner 2013
Booz Allen Hamilton’s first Cybersecurity Fellow 2012
Femmonomics Top 50 Women in Tech to Watch 2011