BIOME Internship

Making every moment count for BME Master of Engineering students.

BIOME is a paid internship program that gives BME Master of Engineering students real-world experience developing a medical device, either with a local company or UVA Health. A two-month gap between the spring semester and the summer session offered the perfect timing for an internship.

Partner organizations include the UVA Coulter Translational Research Partnership and CVILLEBIOHUB.  Both organizations were able to provide matching dollars to offset interns’ salaries. In its first year, all students were matched to a paid internships, and many of the host companies were so impressed by the interns that they extended the internships into the fall, giving students the time to make a sustained contribution.

Internship Stories

Graduate Student Interns Make Every Moment Count

Graduate Student Interns Work to Save Medical Teams Precious Time in Treating Stroke Patients

Inaugural class of BME Masters of Engineering Students

The inaugural class of BME Master of Engineering students, pictured here, graduated in December 2020. While in the program, each student observed 60-100 hours of patient care and clinical procedures, developed a product or process that advances the current standard of care, and completed a paid BIOME internship with UVA Health or a local biotechnology company.  Now they are contributing to the future of healthcare through positions around the country, including Charlottesville, VA.

Contact Information

Donald Richieri Griffin

Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering & Chemical Engineering

Donald Griffin improves clinical translation of acellular and cellular therapies through enhanced hydrogel-tissue integration, specifically focusing on the development of passive and active instructional microenvironments using microscale building blocks.

Kimberly Fitzhugh-Higgins

Graduate Student Coordinator