UVA Engineering provides free, scheduled on-demand tutoring with student tutors. This service is a great supplement to class and office hours. We recommend you use tutoring early and often. Whether you're trying to catch up or get ahead, complete homework or study for a test, on-demand tutoring can help.

Make a Tutoring Appointment

  1. Log into Accudemia using your UVA Netbadge credentials. 
  2. Click the Schedule Appointment button.
  3. Select SEAS Tutoring
  4. In the next search box find the Course you would like help with (i.e. APMA 2120).
  5. Now a screen with available Tutors and time-slots will be displayed. Select a time-slot that you would like for the appointment.
  6. To finalize these options add any notes you would like to leave for the tutor and click Confirm.

Additional Resources

Questions? Comments?

The Office of Undergraduate Programs provides information, assistance and guidance to undergraduate engineering students as well as to prospective students and parents interested in applying to the School of Engineering undergraduate program. Applications are made through the University of Virginia.