Scienta Omicron HiPP Lab System:

  •  AP-PES system for XPS measurements at pressures to 25 mbar
  • Guaranteed 0.6 eV energy resolution on Ag3d5/2 (assuming a HiPPLab with a standard chamber)
  • 20 μm spatial resolution along the analyser slit
  • μ-metal chamber for reliable shielding properties ensuring high transmission
  • Sample alignment camera 
  • Automated Stage 
  • Electrochemistry kit for HiPP Lab system 
  • Preparation module for HiPP system with 4-axis sample manipulator and heating stage 
  • Residual Gas Analyser, 1-200 amu 
  • Automated gas flow management system
  • Plasma source package for chamber cleaning
  • VUV Light Source for UPS Measurement
  • Preparation module with Gas Reaction Cell
  • Ion sputter gun (0.12-5keV; adjustable spot size 3-20 mm dia.; Operates with backfilled Ar/O/H)
  • Glovebox for the preparation of samples without atmospheric exposure


- Parallel image mode capabilities for studying on-sample variations
- Swift acceleration mode for fast acquisition
- Extremely stable and low noise electronics
- Strictly non-magnetic materials used in the interior
- Acquisition modes: Swept, fixed, imaging
- CCD/MCP detector with Pulsed and ADC mode operation

Energy resolution: < 5 meV FWHM at 5 eV pass energy and 10 eV kinetic energy
- Pass energies: 2, 5, 10, 20 eV
- Transmission mode kinetic energy range: 5 eV – 20 eV
- Angular mode kinetic energy range: 5 eV – 100 eV
- Spatial mode kinetic energy range: 5 eV – 20 eV - Energy resolution: < 40 meV FWHM at 20 eV pass energy and 6000 eV kinetic energy
- Transmission mode kinetic energy range: 0 eV – 6000 eV

X-ray Source:

- High energy-resolution monochromated Al-Ka X-ray source
- 500 mm Rowland circle diameter
- Small X-ray spot (Typically 80W on 300μm Spot) with high flux density, optimised for operation in APPES experiments

 VUV Light Source:

  • He I photon flux up to 6x10^12 photons/sec or 1x10^16 photons/(s*sr)
  • Source is suitable for excitation of different gases (H, He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe)

Sample Stage:

- 4 axes (x/y/z, polar rotation) analysis module manipulator
- Scienta Omicron's flag-style sample environment
- electrically isolated from ground
- non-magnetic reference thermocouples for measurement of sample temperature 

- IR laser sample heating with pyrometer surface temperature measurement

- Fiber-coupled diode laser, wavelength 915nm, 200W laser power
- Target temperature: RT - 650 °C

Preparation Chamber with High-Pressure Gas Reaction Cell:

- Radiative sample heating with a compact, rugged wire heater, non-reactive to oxidizing or reducing gases
- 1300 K at up to 10 bar static gas pressure (depending on gas species), 1070 K at gas flow conditions with 0.5 bar pressure difference between in- and outlet
- Heating rate up to 200 K/min
- Type S thermocouple located close to the sample acceptance for accurate temperature reading
- The heater cell is shut off with a Viton-sealed door with a latch mechanism actuated by a wobblestick and a heavy-duty linear drive mechanism
- Heater cell and door are water-cooled
- The heater cell is housed in a UHV chamber 

 - Pressure Control 

 - Gas Sampling

UVa Rate 1 

Academic Rate 2